Profile photo of Ivan

Ivan Probst

Web developer

Hello 🙌 I am Ivan, web developer.

Engineer by training, I then grew as a project manager and team leader.

With 10+ years of professional experience, I bring a unique set of skills: I know how to code, I care about business needs, and I love to collaborate with all kind of stakeholders.

I live in Switzerland 🇨🇭, speak native French and proficient English. I currently work at Apptitude, creating digital solutions that solve business problems 🌍.

Come and say hi on LinkedIn 👋

My skills

Outside of dev, I also love playing games, sharing drinks with friends, biking and running, and having fun with my family.

Photo of Ivan working on a laptop Photo of Ivan playing a board game in the train Photo of Ivan with a tripod and a wifi access point Photo of Ivan on a bike near a river